CBD Gummies Guide
With so many people choosing CBD gummies as their preferred way to take CBD, it’s no surprise that many are now asking the question, what are CBD gummies?
CBD gummies are really just as they sound, gummies or sweets but with added CBD. They have risen massively in popularity over recent years, and it’s their similarity to regular sweets that makes it easy to see why. CBD gummies also come in different strengths so it's easy to choose the exact right amount for everyone. Many CBD brands now manufacture CBD gummies such as Cannaray, Orange County CBD, Love Hemp, and Naturecan.
So, what flavours do CBD gummies come in?
Well this is the one of the best bits about them, the answer is simply lots! Each brand has slightly different flavours to others with certain ones like Cannaray gummies just offering a simple juicy orange flavour, to other brands like 1 step CBD that have over 16 different choices! You can find old favourites among the mix such as cola bottles or wild cherries, as well as hard boiled sweets. Love hemp gummies are even like the old favourite for many – Jelly Tots!
Can I eat too many CBD gummies?
I’m afraid to say yes, unfortunately you can. When CBD gummies taste exactly like your favourite sweets it can be really difficult to keep your hands out of the jar, but when it is advised in the UK to only consume a maximum of 70mg of CBD per day, it’s best to remember to limit yourself. CBD gummies typically range between 5mg and 30mg of CBD per gummy so just remember to check the strength of your gummies! Just as an example, standard Cannaray CBD gummies contain 10mg of CBD per sweet so you could have 7 of these per day if it is your only intake of CBD, and if you take their high strength Cannaray CBD gummies then they contain 30mg per gummy so you can only have 2. Whereas the standard Love Hemp CBD gummies have 20mg per gummy so you can only have 3 according the guidelines. There are of course other brands that take things much further such as Supreme CBD and Orange County CBD that have a range of different strengths, going all the way to a massive 4800mg per pot!
How will I feel after eating CBD gummies?
This question is actually harder to answer as not everyone will respond to the CBD in the same way. CBD can affect everyone differently based on size, tolerance, and the strength of the CBD that you decide to take. The general rule of thumb is to start with a low dose and continue to build up to a level where you are happy with the desired effects. For most people this should be a feeling of calm and relaxation, with symptoms like stress being reduced.
Will CBD gummies reduce my anxiety?
Hopefully, yes! Just like the previous question, there is no ‘one size fits all’ response, however many people report symptom of anxiety being heavily reduced and in some cases anxiety can disappear completely. It is important to remember that it can take time for CBD to build up in your system to it may take a little why before you start feeling the effects that you are looking for. If you continue to take CBD for a period of 6-8 weeks, then it is likely that you will achieve your goals.
Will CBD gummies help me sleep better?
Sleep is one of the main reasons that many people seek out the benefits of CBD. If you consider the calming effects that CBD can have, then it’s no surprise that CBD may be able to contribute to a better night’s sleep. Certain brands Like Cannaray CBD now have specific products that are aimed specially at aiding sleep as this is now one of the most common reasons for people to take CBD.

What CBD brands offer CBD gummies?
This is going to be a very long list, especially at Associated CBD where we stock over 1200 different CBD products! However, to offer some guidance we have provided a list and links below to our offices top 8 favourite CBD gummies, in no particular order:
Canndid CBD Gummies
Canndid CBD gummies are gummy bears! Who doesn’t like gummy bears right?! They’re vegan, come in a set mix of 8 flavours in every pack, THC free, and contain 25mg of CBD every gummy. At Associated CBD Canndid CBD gummies come in a ‘2pack’ and we often run special offers on them so keep your eyes peeled!
Cannaray CBD Gummies
Cannaray CBD gummies have already had a couple of mentions in this guide, and rightly so! As one of the UK’s leading brands of CBD, their gummies are unsurprisingly very good. Cannaray CBD gummies come in a juicy orange flavour, and as previously mentioned, come in 2 strengths, 10mg per gummy and 30mg per gummy. Just like Canndid CBD gummies, these are also THC free and vegan.
Naturecan CBD Gummies
Naturecan CBD Gummies are also a popular choice for many as these are once again gummy bears! They come in a choice of strengths, a mix of flavours and some now even contain multivitamins! In the winter months this can be the added advantage that we all need! There’s even a choice of gluten free or vegan! They also have a wide range of other tasty treats such as Naturecan CBD Peanut Butter!!
Supreme CBD Gummies
Supreme CBD have such a great range of CBD gummies that giving these guys a mention is an absolute must. They have pack sizes to suit everyone, with the small grab bags on offer all the way up to 4800mg tubs! The flavours come in a great selection, allowing you to choose your own, from bears, bottles, peach rings, strawberries and cherries. I’m sure there’s probably more too!
Love Hemp CBD Gummies
Love Hemp CBD gummies are another winner for most. They call them Love Hemp CBD Jelly Domes, and they have a striking resemblance to the shape of Jelly Tots! Their mix of flavours in the pack are also similar to Jelly Tots! You can opt for a small and convenient grab bag if your on the move or the regular size 600mg pot to keep in the cupboard. Love Hemp also have other tasty edibles such as CBD chocolate balls which are not to be missed.
Orange County CBD Gummies
Orange County are perhaps the ‘Daddies’ of CBD gummies and perhaps offer the widest range on the market in the UK. CBD gummy bears, gummy worms, fizzy peach rings, gummy cubes, gummy hearts, are all on offer, the list goes on! They even have the smallest tester bag on the market available at just £3.99! If you’re looking to try CBD gummies for the first time then Orange County CBD gummies might be a great place to start.
1 Step CBD Gummies – The Authors Favourite!
1 Step CBD have been a roaring success in recent times and I’m pleased to report that they are indeed our best seller. These come in a 2 pack and offer a choice of over 14 flavours! Slightly different to some other brands that have maybe focussed on gummy bears, 1 Step CBD gummies come in bananas, apple hoops, pink and white stars, rainbow hearts and more. The strength depends on the flavour that you choose and is clearly marked on the pot to make things easy. Having worked my way through most of the flavours now, I can happily report that they are all great! 1 Step CBD even offer CBD marshmallows now, which is something we haven’t seen by any other UK brand in the UK… Yet!
Goodrays CBD Gummies
Goodrays gummies are indeed very good. Designed to help you relax and unwind, they do not disappoint. They are a simple selection of mango, raspberry, lemon-lime and strawberry, and they come in 1 strength of 25mg per gummy which makes things easy if you’re not sure what strength to pick. Goodrays CBD gummies have been a hit in our office and at home! Their CBD is extracted from Colarado grown hemp, produced locally and made my experts!

Where can I buy CBD gummies
Well with the rise of popularity of CBD and in particular, CBD Gummies, it will be no surprise that you can now purchase CBD gummies on the High Street and many super markets, albeit quite a restricted selection and perhaps a pound or two more on the price. Boots CBD gummies usually include the brand CBDfx and in Holland and Barrett you can find the likes of Cannaray CBD Gummies and fourfive CBD gummies, so be sure to keep an eye out next time your out shopping! Of course, here at Associated CBD we have one of the largest and best selections of CBD on the market (in our opinion), but we would say that 😊
Thanks for reading and I hope we have managed to assist with some of your questions on CBD gummies! Feel free to get in touch via our online chat or at hello@associatedcbd.co.uk if you need any help with all things CBD!