How Long Does CBD Oil Take To Work?
How Long Does CBD Oil Take To Work?
In this blog we focus on a question that is asked of us a lot. How long does CBD oil take to work? Well, unsurprisingly like all things CBD related, the answer is, it depends…
The most common questions we get are related to specific CBD benefits. Questions such as how long does CBD oil take to work for anxiety, or how long does CBD oil take to work for sleep, or pain for example. And the answer is one that is multi-faceted, and not the same for any one person.
At Associated CBD as you will have no doubt seen, we have a huge range of products and therefore that gives people an opportunity to try not only a broad range of spectrums (no pun intended!) and strengths, but also a wide range or product types. All of these factors will play a part in how long any CBD oil will take to work for anxiety, sleep or pain. If you are one of these people that have tried many different types of CBD, you will likely notice they have different absorption, onset and duration effects. We will now explore some of these factors that really do affect how long CBD oil takes to work for anxiety and other common benefits.
Factors that impact CBD absorption
There are a number of factors affecting how long cbd will take to work or for the user to feel noticeable effects. As we’ve touched on above, strength, and product type will be factors, but also the underlying method of absorption is a key contributor.

Method of consumption
The consumption method is the major factor influencing the absorption of CBD. Taking CBD oils under the tongue, versus inhaling via a vape, or eating CBD gummies will all result in different speeds of absorption. Likewise if using topical CBD muscle balms or CBD muscle rubs will lead to different times to take effect depending on the formulation.
How long does CBD take to work under the tongue (sublingually)
CBD products that are taken sublingually or under the tongue typically include CBD oils, sprays and tinctures. By placing these under the tongue for 30 seconds or more, the CBD oil is absorbed through capillaries located in the mucous membrane of your mouth. This allows the active ingredients to then be absorbed into the bloodstream. By holding CBD oil in the mouth this allows greater absorption of CBD across this membrane and into the bloodstream. So that may help us answer the question, how long does CBD oil take to work for anxiety. Well in this case, for a CBD oil we would expect absorption to take in the region of 20 minutes to work and begin to feel any effects. These effects may then go on to last for 6 hours or more, depending on the strength of the oil and the amount dosed with.
How long does CBD take to work when vaping?
Vaping CBD is the fastest way to absorb CBD as an everyday user (outside of medical settings). Vaping CBD and inhaling the CBD in the vapour will allow the CBD, or other cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids depending on the product to travel into the bloodstream via the lungs. This form of CBD consumption is fast acting as the bioavailability is high and the body absorbs the active ingredients so quickly. For users looking for instant relief from anxiety attacks, or bouts of stress and pain, CBD vaping can be a really useful tool. It is possible to feel the effects in just a few minutes, but the duration of these effects may be more short lived than via other methods.
How long does it take for CBD to work when eating gummies?
CBD gummies or other CBD edibles have become a customer favourite because of their supreme ease and convenience. CBD gummies, CBD chocolates and other edibles also taste great obviously! In order for CBD edibles to pass into the bloodstream they need to be metabolised by the Liver and into metabolites. This process takes more time than the sublingual or vaping methods, and will also be impacted by how long this metabolism in the Liver takes. Taking CBD on an empty stomach is therefore more likely to be metabolised and effects felt more quickly, compared to if you’ve just eaten a large meal and there are other foods to be metabolised. CBD edibles can therefore take a couple of hours or more to be absorbed but will effects are likely to last longer than 6 hours. The lower bioavailability of eating CBD gummies and the like will also mean the full extent of CBD impacts may be lost more than other methods.
How long does it take for CBD muscle balms to work?
Topical CBD muscle balms and gels have the advantage of being placed onto trouble areas for localised relief. CBD muscle balms can be used to help with pain, swelling, inflammation and discomfort. CBD is absorbed through the skin by interacting with CB2 receptors in the epidermis layer of the skin. Typically via this method the CBD does not reach the bloodstream unless using specific transdermal CBD patches. CBD muscle rubs are a great option for focused relief, and their effects can last for 4 hours or more but can be easily reapplied.

How long does CBD oil take to work for anxiety?
This brings us back to one of the most common questions of how long does CBD take to work for anxiety. CBD is known for its anxiolytic properties and many studies we’ve linked to in other blog posts. Promising studies have also shown CBD to support these anxiolytic effects in public speaking settings. CBD can act on serotonin receptors that regulate the functioning neurotransmitters for controlling fear and can slow down an overactive nervous system. It can do this by modulating the shape of the GABA receptor producing these potential benefits. The time it takes CBD to work for anxiety will depend on the factors we have talked about, but to get these calming effects from CBD it should be possible to time your dosages depending on your chosen product. Taking CBD oils half an hour before a particularly stressful event, or vaping 15 minutes beforehand (or during) should help the user considerably. If using CBD edibles it would be advisable to eat these closer to 90 minutes in advance to help the more gradual release.
How long does CBD oil take to work for sleep?
Taking CBD for sleep is also a common theme, and many of the same things mentioned above will apply. Utilising CBD for sleep can be helpful by allowing us to put our mind at ease and is linked to the anti anxiolytic effects. CBD oils or CBD capsules are some of the most common bedtime products. CBD oils sublingually are a good fast acting option, and common peppermint and natural flavours can help form a relaxing night time routine. CBD capsules can also be a good option for those that like a longer lasting effect and who do not want to take a CBD oil close to sleep. Looking to switch off your mind 30 minutes before bed and taking a CBD oil would be a good suggested starting point.
How long does CBD oil take to work for pain?
People with pain or arthritic pain may look to CBD to help prevent flare ups or reduce discomfort. CBD oil for joint pain is thought to impact on the ECS (Endocannabinoid system). BY interacting with CB2 receptors in the immune system it is thought these can activate an anti-inflammatory reaction and reduce physical discomfort. In order for CBD oil to work, the usual caveats above apply, but then you should be able to notice differences very quickly. The best CBD for joint pain is likely to be sublingual CBD oils to activate the CB2 receptors and drive an immune response. This then used with topical CBD muscle rubs and CBD creams on targeted areas may provide a significant reduction in pain symptoms.
Conclusion: How long does CBD oil take to work for anxiety, pain or sleep?
Well, as you can see there are many factors behind how long CBD needs to work, but of all key drivers, the consumption method is the main factor. By understanding the issues highlighted above you should be able to better decide on theCBD products you could look to for optimum results.
For most people new to CBD, a CBD oil taken sublingually provides the widest breadth of capability. With relatively high bioavailability, a fairly long lasting impact and fast acting absorption it is a well balanced choice. For users wanting instant results in a fast paced lifestyle, a CBD vape is also a great choice, and remains the fastest and most efficient way to take CBD. Ultimately everybody is different and CBD remains an incredibly personal experience, so despite all of what we have talked about above, certain individuals will respond far better to certain CBD types than others. Luckily, at Associated CBD we have all bases covered and can only encourage people to try the various product types, strengths and brands and find what works best for you!
Thank you for reading! Do let us know how long cbd oil takes to work for anxiety for you or any other issue. Let us know in the comments below, or reach out directly here.
What CBD oils are best for anxiety?
This is a question which will depend very much on the user. We find just as many of our customers opting for a cbd isolate based oil as we do for those looking at full spectrum or even broad spectrum oils. It is very much a question that is best tested by each person to find which CBD oils work best for them. The common advantage to CBD full spectrum oils are in regards to the well known combination of CBD with other cannabinoids called the entourage effect. The combination of other cannabinoids with CBD are said to interact with one another to have a more profound impact. However on the flip side, we find many customers who want the purest form of CBD with no further cannabinoids and for these users a CBD isolate remains their best bet.
How much CBD oil should I take?
So this brings us full circle to the heading of the blog post. Well to be honest, ultimately it depends. If you are a new user, we would typically suggest trying a CBD isolate oil and going for a small dosage in the region of 10mgs. You can then build this up over the following days and weeks to test your tolerance and see how your body reacts up to a limit of 70mg. We always remind people that you can dose far higher than this, and there are studies that have supported its safety profile as high as 1500mg per day, but we would certainly not suggest anyone to do that!
I’ve taken CBD in small doses before but now I want to try CBD for anxiety, so what do you suggest?
For a more seasoned CBD user, we might suggest trying a broad spectrum of full spectrum CBD oil but would still look to start small with a dosage in the 10-25mg category. This allows any user to build up overtime and to really test how the CBD interacts with your body and if it really aids your sleep.
Can I take CBD everyday?
Yes, you can take CBD everyday and in fact building up CBD in your system overtime can give some of the greatest benefits as opposed to one-off dosages.
Which CBD Oil is best?
We like to think variety is an important factor, and that is one reason at Associated CBD we try to hold a wide variety of CBD strengths, types and products! There is no best CBD out there, it is about what works best for you and your body.
Are there studies that can support CBD helping with anxiety?
Yes, there are plenty of studies that support CBD having effects on anxiety and many of our customers have left positive reviews for how it has supported them in this way. Some of our blogs look in more detail at these studies.
How much CBD oil should I take?
Well to be honest, ultimately it depends. If you are a new user, we would typically suggest trying a CBD isolate oil and going for a small dosage in the region of 10mgs. You can then build this up over the following days and weeks to test your tolerance and see how your body reacts up to a limit of 70mg. We always remind people that you can dose far higher than this, and there are studies that have supported its safety profile as high as 1500mg per day, but we would certainly not suggest anyone to do that!
Is CBD oil safe?
Yes, it is perfectly safe and legal to consume and all our products have a legal limit of THC below 0.2% and lab reports are available for all our CBD products.
Will CBD get me high?
No, CBD will not get you high as CBD is not the psychoactive element of Cannabis Sativa group of plants that gives the “high”. This is the THC element and all our CBD products for pain relief contain less than 0.2% THC as legally permitted in the UK.